
Keep it Simple: 3 Keys to New Moon Magick

by Christina Lozano

The days leading up to the dark moon, the final few slivers of the waning crescent and the dark moon itself, might leave you with an aura of emptiness or exhaustion. Everyone experiences the phases of the moon a little differently, depending on your own inclination, awareness and sensitivity to the lunar cycles. When the …


The Warrior Way

by Flavio Gracile

Warrior’s methodology Throughout history, society has always held a special place for its warriors. There is a certain allure about the bravery and chivalry required to selflessly charge into deadly situations in service to another. Every civilization has seen the manifestation of the warrior culture, and despite differing methods of self-expression, many underlying qualities and …


Magick and Motherhood

by Kathleen Petersen

What on earth could this possibly mean? Does this mean that magick and motherhood (parenting for that matter) go hand in hand? First, perhaps I should offer the Mystery School’s definition of Magick: “To turn nothing into something and something into something else.” Simple, right? Through my own experiences with more than 22 years of …


Emotional Cords & the Nature of Relationships

by Stephanie Vassos

Being human, I’m sure that you can agree that sometimes relationships get messy, especially with people that we are closest to. When we open up and get intimate with others, they tend to have a larger impact on our decisions, our emotions, and even our energy. The beautiful thing about relationships is that with the …


Honour Nature, Honour Yourself

by Christina Lozano

By observing the cycles of nature, you can gain a deep insight into your own life, how you flow your energy and the tides of change that are either affecting you or inspiring you. Everyone has heard (and likely said) the old adage: “It must be a full moon” when they notice bizarre behaviour or …


Tarot: A mirror into our lives, archetypes for transformation

by Aleksandra Ceho

The ability to predict the future is a scary and yet fascinating thought.  In the thrall of that fascination, many of us have had our Tarot cards read at one time or another.  Initiates of the mystery school tradition are taught to empower themselves and take the reins to create joy in our lives.  We …



by Laura Louise Persichetti

Recently I made a trip to the doctors because I was feeling physical symptoms that I suspected were due to a stressful situation I was navigating. The doctor suggested counselling and medication. I asked what kind of medication. She described a couple options. Both were for anxiety. I said I didn’t have anxiety. I knew …


Help! My Children Are Grown – Now What?

by Kathleen Petersen

I was raised by a self-sacrificing stay at home mom, who did amazing things for us but didn’t really do a lot of things for herself outside of the home.  When I became a mother I really believed that this was the sure way to be the best mom possible for my children, as they …


Vibration of Colour

by Franca Lanyon

Without colour there is no light, without light there is no life! It surrounds us every day of our lives. Are we aware of it? What does it mean? And how much of an effect does it truly have on us? Colour has existed, as it has been said, since the beginning of time. The …


Knowing the Right Path for You

by Christina Lozano

Everyone has their own road to tread, their own path to follow, especially when it comes to spirituality and connection with divine. The spiritual seeker will spend a considerable amount of energy and time exploring their options, researching, learning and exposing themselves to various teachings, methods and systems. So how do you know if a …